*Blind #3* The Rise of the French Bourbons, pages 28-29

#1 The “House” of Elizabeth I


#2 Elizabeth I, also known as?

(Hint: there are several / provide one)


#3 Father of Elizabeth I


#4 Mother of Elizabeth I


#5 First action of Elizabeth I as queen (first major action)


#6 “Champlain’s bravery in fierce and close combat was conspicuous”. Define conspicuous


#7 Edict promulgated by Henry IV in April 1598


#8 Expression used by both Henry IV and president Herbert Hoover on the eve of the Great Depression of the 30s


#9 Predecessor of Elizabeth I


#10 Henry VIII broke up the Roman Church in England to marry her





Main source: Rise to Greatness: The History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present by Conrad Black


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*Blind #2* The Rise of the French Bourbons, pages 27-28

#1 Samuel de Champlain’s religion.

(a) Roman Catholic

(b) Protestant

(c) Roman Catholic then Protestant

(d) Protestant then Roman Catholic


#2 Samuel de Champlain: Born and raised where?

(a) La Rochelle

(b) Brouage

(c) Gironde Estuary

(d) Brest


#3 Samuel de Champlain’s family: Loyal to which Henry?

(a) Henry of Navarre

(b) Henry III of France

(c) Henry I, Duke of Guise

(d) Henry VIII


#4 Who said: “L’état c’est moi.”

(a) Louis XIV

(b) Louis XV

(c) Napoléon Bonaparte

(d) Charles de Gaulle


#5 Who said: “France has lost a battle, France has not lost the war.”

(a) Louis XIV

(b) Louis XV

(c) Napoléon Bonaparte

(d) Charles de Gaulle


#6 Who said: “From the sublime to the ridiculous in a single step.” 

(a) Louis XIV

(b) Louis XV

(c) Napoléon Bonaparte

(d) Charles de Gaulle


#7 Who said: “Après moi le déluge.”

(a) Louis XIV

(b) Louis XV

(c) Napoléon Bonaparte

(d) Charles de Gaulle


#8 Champlain lived well but not with grandiosity. He was informal and popular and frequently travelled around the country __________.


#9 Name the group: 16th century Catholic extremists in France?


#10 Define: redoubtable

As in:

At Crozon in Brittany, Britain’s redoubtable Queen Elizabeth sent a force to assist Henry in expelling the Spanish from the fort they had seized there.




Main source: Rise to Greatness: The History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present by Conrad Black


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*Blind #1* Rise to Greatness: The History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present


And after the Stuart restoration following the death of      A      the British kings Charles II and James II owed much to the French King      B      and avoided serious conflict with him.



Where did Charles II live during the Interregnum?

(Hint: in more than one place / name one)



Charles II was known as the __________ Monarch.



The College of __________ & __________ is the second-oldest institution of higher education in the U.S.



The Battle of Rocroi in the first days of Louis XIV’s reign in 1643 under Condé had established that the French had Europe’s finest soldiers, and in general they continued to be so for 180 years, until the end of the __________ era.

(Hint: 1643+180=1823)



Who was the last Roman Catholic monarch of England, Scotland and Ireland?



Define estuary.



At the age of 54, after the death of his second cousin        A      , George ascended the British throne as the first monarch of the House of Hannover. Although over 50 Roman Catholics were closer to       A       by primogeniture, the Act of Settlement 1701 prohibited Catholics from inheriting the British throne.



William III invaded England in what became known as __________ of 1688.

(Hint: 3 words)



True or False: Jacobin is french for Jacobite.




Main source: Rise to Greatness: The History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present by Conrad Black


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