*Reveal #2* The Rise of the French Bourbons, pages 27-28

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#1 Samuel de Champlain’s religion.

(a) Roman Catholic

(b) Protestant

(c) Roman Catholic then Protestant

(d) Protestant then Roman Catholic

From encyclopedia.com: “He was probably born a Protestant, but sometime before 1603 he embraced the Roman Catholic faith”


#2 Samuel de Champlain: Born and raised where?

(a) La Rochelle

(b) Brouage

(c) Gironde Estuary

(d) Brest

Image result for brouage france champlain
B, as in Brouage


#3 Samuel de Champlain’s family: Loyal to which Henry?

(a) Henry of Navarre

(b) Henry III of France

(c) Henry I, Duke of Guise

(d) Henry VIII

Henry of Navarre a.k.a. Henry IV of France a.k.a Good King Henry


#4 Who said: “L’état c’est moi.”

(a) Louis XIV

(b) Louis XV

(c) Napoléon Bonaparte

(d) Charles de Gaulle

Louis XIV: “profligately extravagant”

#5 Who said: “France has lost a battle, France has not lost the war.”

(a) Louis XIV

(b) Louis XV

(c) Napoléon Bonaparte

(d) Charles de Gaulle

Related image
Ya, no


#6 Who said: “From the sublime to the ridiculous in a single step.” 

(a) Louis XIV

(b) Louis XV

(c) Napoléon Bonaparte

(d) Charles de Gaulle

Related image
Careful, portraitist


#7 Who said: “Après moi le déluge.”

(a) Louis XIV

(b) Louis XV

(c) Napoléon Bonaparte

(d) Charles de Gaulle

Image result for louis xv
After me, the flood


#8 Champlain lived well but not with grandiosity. He was informal and popular and frequently travelled around the country __________.

Answer: incognito

Image result for samuel de champlain
The only non-imaginary image of Champlain


#9 Name the group: 16th century Catholic extremists in France?

The Catholic League

Procession armée de la Ligue en 1590 (Musée Carnavalet)
A league of their own


#10 Define: redoubtable

As in:

At Crozon in Brittany, Britain’s redoubtable Queen Elizabeth sent a force to assist Henry in expelling the Spanish from the fort they had seized there.

Answer: Formidable, especially as an opponent

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