*Blind #3* The Rise of the French Bourbons, pages 28-29

#1 The “House” of Elizabeth I


#2 Elizabeth I, also known as?

(Hint: there are several / provide one)


#3 Father of Elizabeth I


#4 Mother of Elizabeth I


#5 First action of Elizabeth I as queen (first major action)


#6 “Champlain’s bravery in fierce and close combat was conspicuous”. Define conspicuous


#7 Edict promulgated by Henry IV in April 1598


#8 Expression used by both Henry IV and president Herbert Hoover on the eve of the Great Depression of the 30s


#9 Predecessor of Elizabeth I


#10 Henry VIII broke up the Roman Church in England to marry her





Main source: Rise to Greatness: The History of Canada from the Vikings to the Present by Conrad Black


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